The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today.
Chinese Proverb
Our backyard is full of trees. Big, small, and everything in between.
There are giant cedars, pines, fruit trees, and a whole bunch I don’t even know the name of.
They offer shade in the summer, they block the wind in the winter, and they provide privacy year round.
My kids climb them, build forts and treehouses, and learn about bugs, bees, ants, and spiders (…they’re scared of the spiders though)
And all because someone made the decision a long time ago to plant them.
Easy to do until you consider the alternative which would have been not to plant them.
Not to invest in a better future.
Not to take action.
That would have been a shame.
Too many choices, so little time
One of the greatest gifts of being alive today is that you can do pretty much anything.
The internet has made that possible. And has provided access to people, information, and ideas that previously would have taken a lifetime to acquire.
The problem then becomes overwhelm.
The paradox of choice that sets in from being able to see, read, watch, and engage with anyone at anytime.
Because we can do anything in life, but we can’t do everything.
So we need to choose. Choose something. Choose anything.
And accept that our first choice won’t be perfect.
First choices rarely are.
But the simple act of making a choice and taking some kind of action casts a vote in the direction of being an action taker.
And action takers rule the world (both internally and externally).
And can set you off an unpredictable but wildly exciting path that look to the outsider (aka non-action taker) like a series of lucky breaks.
When nothing could be further from the truth.
Audentes Fortuna Iuvat (translation: fortune favors the bold)
Latin Proverb
So find something worth doing. And start today.
Tomorrow is too late.
You don’t want to look back 20 years from now and wonder what you could have been if you’d only taken that first step.